Image of Clark Ashton Smith


Lifetime: 1893 - 1961 Passed: ≈ 62 years ago




United States

Clark Ashton Smith

Clark Ashton Smith was an American writer and poet who lived from January 13, 1893 to August 14, 1961. He was widely recognized for his imaginative works of fiction and poetry, and his contributions to the genres of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Smith was known for his dark, gothic writing style and his focus on the macabre and the supernatural.

Smith's literary career began in the early 20th century, and he quickly gained a reputation as one of the most innovative writers of his time. His writing was characterized by his imaginative worlds and his unique approach to fantasy and horror. He was a master of the short story form, and his works often explored themes of death, decay, and the occult.

Smith's most famous works include the "Zothique" series, a collection of short stories set in a dystopian future, and the "Hyperborean" series, which is set in a fantastical, ancient world. He also wrote several poetry collections, including "The Star-Treader and Other Poems" and "Ecodæ."

Clark Ashton Smith was a deeply philosophical writer, and his writing was informed by his philosophical beliefs. He was fascinated by the nature of existence and the human condition, and he often explored these themes in his works. He was also an artist, and his artistic style was heavily influenced by his philosophical outlook.

Clark Ashton Smith died on August 14, 1961, at the age of 68. He is remembered today as one of the most imaginative and innovative writers of his time, and his legacy continues to inspire writers, artists, and fans of the fantastic and the macabre.

A fun fact about Clark Ashton Smith is that he was close friends with H.P. Lovecraft, another famous writer of horror and science fiction. The two writers corresponded frequently and greatly influenced each other's work. In fact, Lovecraft often referred to Smith as one of the "big three" of American horror, along with Robert E. Howard and himself.


Books by Clark Ashton Smith

Odes and Sonnets Cover image

Odes and Sonnets

Love Beauty Death Imaginative Poems Prose

It showcases Smith's mastery of the poetic form and his unique style, which blends elements of the fantastical and the macabre. The poems in "Odes and Sonnets" cover a wide range of subjects and themes, including love, death, and the beauty of natur...

Star-Treader and Other Poems Cover image

Star-Treader and Other Poems

Clark Ashton Smith, referred to as one of the big three of Weird Tales, was a romantic-style poet, a Lovecraftian-style writer and a literary friend of H.P Lovecraft. As a poet, he was considered one of the last great West Coast Romantics. The Star-T...

Ebony and Crystal Cover image

Ebony and Crystal

As stated in L'Alouette: A Magazine of Verse, "Ebony and Crystal is an artist's intrepid repudiation of the world of trolleys and cash-registers, Freudian complexes and Binet-Simon tests, for realms of exalted and iridescent strangeness beyond space...

Fantasy Fan Magazine Presents: Writings of Clark Ashton Smith Cover image

Fantasy Fan Magazine Presents: Writings of Clark Ashton Smith

Collected here are all of Clark Aston Smith's writings he submitted to The Fantasy Fan Magazine. The Fantasy Fan Magazine was a periodical dedicated to people professing their love of and celebrating fantasy and weird fiction. In addition to the opin...