Image of Ivan Goncharov


Lifetime: 1812 - 1891 Passed: ≈ 132 years ago





Ivan Goncharov

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov was a Russian novelist best known for his novels A Common Story (1847), Oblomov (1859), and The Precipice (1869). He also served in many official capacities, including the position of censor.

Goncharov was born in Simbirsk into the family of a wealthy merchant; as a reward for his grandfather's military service, they were elevated to gentry status. He was educated at a boarding school, then the Moscow College of Commerce, and finally at Moscow State University. After graduating, he served for a short time in the office of the Governor of Simbirsk, before moving to Saint Petersburg where he worked as government translator and private tutor, while publishing poetry and fiction in private almanacs. Goncharov's first novel, A Common Story, was published in Sovremennik in 1847.

Goncharov's second and best-known novel, Oblomov, was published in 1859 in Otechestvennye zapiski. His third and final novel, The Precipice, was published in Vestnik Evropy in 1869. He also worked as a literary and theatre critic. Towards the end of his life Goncharov wrote a memoir called An Uncommon Story, in which he accused his literary rivals, first and foremost Ivan Turgenev, of having plagiarized his works and prevented him from achieving European fame. The memoir was published in 1924. Fyodor Dostoevsky, among others, considered Goncharov an author of high stature. Anton Chekhov is quoted as stating that Goncharov was "...ten heads above me in talent."

Books by Ivan Goncharov

Oblomov Cover image


Fiction Novel
Young adult fiction Childhood Social Change

Oblomov is the second novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, first published in 1859. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the central character of the novel, portrayed as the ultimate incarnation of the superfluous man, a symbolic character in 19th-century Russi...

Precipice Cover image


The Precipice is a story of the romantic rivalry among three men, condemning nihilism as subverting the religious and moral values of Russia. It was originally published in 1869 in Vestnik Evropy. Later critics came to see it as the final part of a t...

Обрыв Cover image


Впервые опубликованный в 1869-м году в журнале «Вестник Европы», роман «Обрыв» как бы завершает «трилогию» о переходном периоде в русской жизни (две предыдущие книги - «Обыкновенная История» и «Обломов») и стал последним большим произведением Гончаро...

Обыкновенная история Cover image

Обыкновенная история

Обыкновенная история» — роман воспитания, повествующий о взрослении молодого дворянина Александра Адуева. Полный противопоставлений (провинции со столицей, старшего поколения с молодым, и т.п.), роман имел широкий положительный отклик среди читающей...

Обломов Cover image


Роман рассказывает о жизни помещика Ильи Ильича Обломова, который вместе со своим верным слугой, Захаром, живёт в Петербурге. Илья Ильич редко поднимается с дивана. Он не занимается никакой деятельностью, не выходит в свет; лишь предаётся мыслям о то...