
Lifetime: 1878 - 1952 Passed: ≈ 72 years ago




United States

Rupert S. Holland

Rupert Sargent Holland was an American author. His works include: Historic Boyhoods (1909), The Boy Scouts of Birchbark Island (1911), The Boy Scouts of Snowshoe Lodge (1915) and King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table. "A privateer was leaving Genoa on a certain June morning in 1461, and crowds of people had gathered on the quays to see the ship sail. Dark-hued men from the distant shores of Africa, clad in brilliant red and yellow and blue blouses or tunics and hose, with dozens of glittering gilded chains about their necks, and rings in their ears, jostled sun-browned sailors and merchants from the east, and the fairer-skinned men and women of the north. 

Books by Rupert S. Holland

 Historic Adventures: Tales from American History Cover image

Historic Adventures: Tales from American History

History Non-Fiction
United States

This is a collection of early American stories, interesting read.

Historic Boyhoods  Cover image

Historic Boyhoods

History Autobiography Art Honesty Historical Imagination Sketches

Most boys grow up to be honest, maybe even good, men, but do not stand out from the crowd. Occasionally, along comes a boy who is destined, either by character or circumstance, to make his mark on the world. In this work are included 21 biographical...

Historic Girlhoods, Volume 1  Cover image

Historic Girlhoods, Volume 1

History Young Autobiography Determination Historical Sketches

Biographical sketches of ten girls who became famous before becoming women - some not even making it to womanhood. From Joan of Arc to Catherine d'Medici; from Catherine the Great to Pocohontas. These inspirational stories will be of interest to youn...

Builders of United Italy Cover image

Builders of United Italy

Holland 's provides us with an engaging history of the Unification ("Risorgimento") of Italy by exploring the lives of some of its most important figures: Alfieri, Manzoni, Gioberti, Manin, Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi, and Victor Emmanuel. - Summ...