Image of Selma Lagerlof


Lifetime: 1858 - 1940 Passed: ≈ 84 years ago





Selma Lagerlof

Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf was a Swedish author and teacher. She published her first novel, Gösta Berling's Saga, at the age of 33. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she was awarded in 1909. Additionally, she was the first woman to be granted a membership in the Swedish Academy in 1914.

Born at Mårbacka an estate in Värmland in western Sweden, Lagerlöf was the daughter of Erik Gustaf Lagerlöf, a lieutenant in the Royal Värmland Regiment, and Louise Lagerlöf (née Wallroth), whose father was a well-to-do merchant and a foundry owner (brukspatron). Lagerlöf was the couple's fifth child out of six.

She was a really quiet child, more serious than others her age, with a deep love for reading. She was constantly writing poetry as a child, but did not publish anything officially until later in life. In 1868, at the age of 10, Selma completed reading the Bible. At this time her father was very ill, and she hoped that God would heal her father if she read the Bible from cover to cover. The sale of Mårbacka following her father's illness in 1884 had a serious impact on her development. Selma's father is said to have been an alcoholic, something she rarely discussed.

Lagerlöf was educated at the Högre lärarinneseminariet in Stockholm from 1882 to 1885. She worked as a country schoolteacher at a high school for girls in Landskrona from 1885 to 1895, while honing her story-telling skills, with particular focus on the legends she had learned as a child.

In 1894, she met the Swedish writer Sophie Elkan, who became her friend and companion. Over many years, Elkan and Lagerlöf critiqued each other's work. Lagerlöf wrote that Elkan strongly influenced her work and that she often disagreed sharply with the direction Lagerlöf wanted to take in her books. Selma's letters to Sophie were published in 1993, titled Du lär mig att bli fri (You Teach me to be Free).

In 1902, Lagerlöf was asked by the National Teacher's Association to write a geography book for children. She wrote Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (The Wonderful Adventures of Nils), a novel about a boy from the southernmost part of Sweden, who had been shrunk to the size of a thumb and who travelled on the back of a goose across the country.

She moved in 1897 to Falun, and met Valborg Olander, who became her literary assistant and friend, but Elkan's jealousy of Olander was a complication in the relationship. Olander, a teacher, was also active in the growing women's suffrage movement in Sweden. Selma Lagerlöf herself was active as a speaker for the National Association for Women's Suffrage, which was beneficial for the organisation because of the great respect which surrounded Lagerlöf, and she spoke at the International Suffrage Congress in Stockholm in June 1911, where she gave the opening address, as well as at the victory party of the Swedish suffrage movement after women suffrage had been granted in May 1919.

Selma Lagerlöf was a friend of the German-Jewish writer Nelly Sachs. Shortly before her death in 1940, Lagerlöf intervened with the Swedish royal family to secure the release of Sachs and Sachs' aged mother from Nazi Germany, on the last flight from Germany to Sweden, and their lifelong asylum in Stockholm. 

Books by Selma Lagerlof

The Story of Gosta Berling Cover image

The Story of Gosta Berling


Gösta Berling's Saga is the debut novel of Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf, published in 1891. It was made into a 1924 silent film directed by Mauritz Stiller starring Greta Garbo, Lars Hanson and Gerda Lundequist. A 1925 opera I cavalieri di Ekebù by...

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Cover image

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils

Fiction Novel
Morality Social criticism Myths Legends

The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (orig. Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige; literally Nils Holgersson's wonderful journey across Sweden) is a work of fiction by the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize...

Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness! Cover image

Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness!

Fiction Novel
Love Redemption Forgiveness

Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness! is a 1912 novel by the Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf. It was translated into English by William Frederick Harvey in 1921. Lagerlöf was commissioned to write it by a Swedish association as a means of public education about...

From a Swedish Homestead  Cover image

From a Swedish Homestead

Short Story Animal Young Home Christianity Legends Orphans General Fiction

It is the story of how a young orphan girl, Ingrid, is the instrument of saving the student Gunnar Hede, who has lost his wits and memory by a terrible experience, trying to save his home, his Country House, and who wanders the roads as a Pedlar, bu...

Invisible Links  Cover image

Invisible Links

History Spirit Short Stories Success Legends

Invisible Links (Osynliga länkar) is a collection of short stories with an underlying theme about the links that influence and guide people’s actions and lives. It was first published in 1894 and the English translation in 1895. The stories are ofte...

The Emperor of Portugallia  Cover image

The Emperor of Portugallia

Success Life Church Letters Criticism Dominance Imagination

The Emperor of Portugallia is a novel by Nobel-laureate Selma Lagerlöf, published in 1914 with drawings by Albert Engström. Lagerlöf called it a "Swedish King Lear". The novel was a success with critics and readers, newspaper reviewers said the novel...

The Treasure Cover image

The Treasure

Love Young Redemption Adventure Treasure Classics Human Nature

It tells the story of a young man named Gösta Berling who, after being fired from his job as a pastor, finds himself embroiled in a series of adventures and misadventures that ultimately lead him to discover a great treasure. Set in the rural countr...

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Valda berättelser

Short Story Realism Emotion Human Nature Literary Fiction Classic Literature Magical

Dyk ner i Selma Lagerlöfs fascinerande värld av berättelser, där det övernaturliga möter mänsklig värme och djup. "Valda berättelser" är en mästerlig samling som tar oss med på en resa genom känslornas landskap och utforskar människans inre mysterier...

Niels Holgersson's Wonderbare Reis Cover image

Niels Holgersson's Wonderbare Reis

De familie Holgersson woont in Skåne in het uiterste zuiden van Zweden op een kleine boerderij. Daar groeit hun enige zoon Niels op. Niels is niet zo vriendelijk voor de dieren thuis, hij houdt er van om ze te plagen en te sarren. Als hij op een dag...

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Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen - Erster Teil

Dies ist die Geschichte des 14-jährigen Niels Holgersen, der von einem Kobold, den er ärgert, selbst auf Koboldgröße geschrumpft wird. Mit der Hausgans Martin, die sich einem Schwarm Wildgänsen anschließt, fliegt er durch ganz Schweden bis zu den Bru...

Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil Cover image

Niels Holgersens wunderbare Reise mit den Wildgänsen – Zweiter Teil

Dies ist die Geschichte des 14-jährigen Niels Holgersen, der von einem Kobold, den er ärgert, selbst auf Koboldgröße geschrumpft wird. Mit der Hausgans Martin, die sich einem Schwarm Wildgänsen anschließt, fliegt er durch ganz Schweden bis zu den Bru...

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Liliecrona's Home

Liliecrona's Home was published in Sweden 1911, translated into English by Anna Harwell and published in London in 1913. The story is set in the same surroundings in the district of Värmland which Lagerlöf knew so well and used in many of her books.A...

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Girl From the Marsh Croft

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Christ Legends

These are beautiful little stories about Christmas from the Swedish storyteller Selma Lagerlöf. As she explains in the first story, they were told her by her grandmother "I remember that grandmother told story after story from morning till night, an...

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maravilloso viaje de Nils Holgerssons a través de Suecia

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