Broken Hearts

Broken Hearts

by W. S. Gilbert

Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan fame also wrote non-musical plays without Sullivan as a partner. Here is a dramatic play far afield from the comedy musicals we often think of when we hear Gilbert's name: Prince Florian of Spain arrives on The Island of Broken Hearts, peopled by "we maidens all (save one [their dwarf protector]) [who] have dearly loved, and those we loved have died. We, broken hearts, knit by the sympathy of kindred woe, have sought this isle far from the ken of man; and having loved, and having lost our loves, stand pledged to love no living thing again." Fairies and magic lead to self-understanding, showing that Gilbert can well handle more serious material than you may think. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Prince Florian: Tomas Peter Mousta, a deformed dwarf: ToddHW The Lady Hilda: Sonia The Lady Vavir, her sister: thestorygirl The Lady Melusine: Eva Davis The Lady Amanthis: Jenn Broda Stage Directions: MichaelMaggs Editing: ToddHW

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Sir William Schwenck Gilbert was an English dramatist, librettist, poet and illustrator best known for his collaboration with composer Arthur Sullivan, which produced fourteen comic operas. The most f...

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