Book Cover of Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volume 2

Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volume 2

by Louis Gaston de Segur

It is a religious book that delves into the teachings of the Catholic Church. This book is a part of a two-volume set, with the second volume offering more insights and instructions on the Catholic faith. The book was originally written in French and later translated into English. It was first published in the 19th century, making it a significant religious text of its time. The author, Louis Gaston de Segur, was a French bishop and writer who was known for his religious works and teachings. In this volume, de Segur shares his knowledge and understanding of various aspects of the Catholic faith, including the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. He provides insights and guidance on how to live a virtuous life, and how to overcome temptations and sins. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to understand and follow. It is also filled with anecdotes and examples that illustrate the teachings and make them relatable to readers. Overall, "Familiar Instructions and Evening Lectures on All the Truths of Religion, Volume 2" is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith. It offers clear and practical guidance on how to live a virtuous life, and how to remain steadfast in one's faith despite the challenges and temptations of the world.

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Published In

19th Century


Louis Gaston de Segur image

Louis Gaston de Segur was a French writer and aristocrat who lived in the 19th century. He was born in 1820 and was known for his books and essays on a variety of subjects, including religion, poli...

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