Audiobook of Orra


by Joanna Baillie

"Orra is a young woman who is cursed with the power of second sight. She can see into the future, but her visions are often dark and disturbing. Orra is determined to use her gift to help others, but she soon finds herself caught up in a web of violence and intrigue." Description: Orra is a play by Joanna Baillie that was first published in 1798. The play is set in the Scottish Highlands, and it tells the story of a young woman who is cursed with the power of second sight. Orra can see into the future, but her visions are often dark and disturbing. Orra is determined to use her gift to help others, but she soon finds herself caught up in a web of violence and intrigue. The play is a powerful exploration of the themes of good and evil, fate and free will, and the power of the human spirit. Orra is a complex and sympathetic character, and her journey is both heartbreaking and inspirin

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Joanna Baillie image

Joanna Baillie (11 September 1762 – 23 February 1851) was a Scottish poet and dramatist, known for such works as Plays on the Passions (three volumes, 1798–1812) and Fugitive Verses (1840). Her work s...

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