Book Cover of The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln

The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln

by Helen Nicolay

The Boys’ Life of Abraham Lincoln is a biography with many anecdotes that takes one deeper into the thoughts, personality, and beliefs of the man that was Lincoln. While the title indicates the book is about Lincoln’s life as a boy, the book is a full, if somewhat shortened biography. It is very well written and was a joy to record. One might ask, "Who was Helen Nicolay?" Her father, John George Nicolay, was Abraham Lincoln's private secretary and doubtless much of the material comes from his complete biography of Abraham Lincoln.

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Helen Nicolay

United States

Helen Nicolay was the daughter of Lincoln's Private Secretary who, over a five year period, worked hand-in-glove with not only the president, but also the Lincoln family, and who was able to observe L...

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