Audiobook of The History of Rome, volume 2

The History of Rome, volume 2

by Titus Livius

In the tumultuous annals of ancient Rome, secrets are woven through the very fabric of power. As the dust settles from the epic battles and shifting alliances of volume one, the saga continues in "The History of Rome, Volume 2" by Titus Livius. Delve into the heart of an empire as it grapples with its destiny—wielding unparalleled influence across the known world, yet struggling against the internal strife that threatens its very existence. As the pages unfold, the reader is drawn into the intrigues of Rome's political arena, where ambitious men scheme and conspire for power. Battles are not only fought on distant fields but within the hearts of men, with allegiances and loyalties tested against the backdrop of a burgeoning civilization. Livius weaves a tale that illuminates the rise and fall of empires, exploring the great men and pivotal events that shaped the course of history.

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Titus Livius

Roman Empire

Titus Livius, known as Livy in English, was a Roman historian. He wrote a monumental history of Rome and the Roman people, titled Ab Urbe Condita, ''From the Fo...

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