
Lifetime: 1843 - 1915 Passed: ≈ 110 years ago




Alfred William Benn

Books by Alfred William Benn

History of Modern Philosophy Cover image

History of Modern Philosophy

History Philosophy Non-Fiction
Idealism Materialism Philosophers Empiricism Rationalism Pantheism Western Philosophy History of Philosophy 17th Century Philosophy 18th Century Philosophy 19th Century Philosophy

A.W. Benn's History of Modern Philosophy provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the development of Western philosophy from the Renaissance to the 19th century. Benn presents each major philosopher biographically and within the context of hi...

Early Greek Philosophy Cover image

Early Greek Philosophy

History Philosophy Non-Fiction
Metaphysics Ethics Logic Socrates Epistemology Greek Philosophy Philosophy of nature Pythagoras Presocratic philosophers Heraclitus Parmenides History of Western thought

This book provides a short, but illuminating, survey of early Greek thought. It recounts the life and teachings of Heracleitus and Parmenides, the Sophists, and finally in the life, trial, and death of Socrates.