Image of Arthur Symons


Lifetime: 1865 - 1945 Passed: ≈ 79 years ago


Poet, Critic


United Kingdom

Arthur Symons

Arthur William Symons (28 February 1865 – 22 January 1945) was a British poet, critic and magazine editor. He is considered one of the most important figures in the development of Symbolism in English literature.

Symons was born in London, England, to a wealthy family. He was educated at King's College School and Balliol College, Oxford. After graduating from Oxford, Symons worked as a journalist and critic. He was a regular contributor to The Savoy, The Yellow Book, and other literary magazines.

Symons's first book of poetry, Days and Nights, was published in 1889. His poetry was influenced by the Symbolist movement, which emphasized the use of suggestion and symbolism to evoke emotion and create a mood. Symons's poetry is often characterized by its use of musicality, imagery, and allusion.

Symons is also known for his criticism. He was one of the first critics to introduce Symbolism to the English-speaking world. His essays on Symbolism, such as The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899), were influential in shaping the development of the movement.

Symons also edited several magazines, including The Savoy and The Yellow Book. These magazines were important forums for the Symbolist movement in England.

Symons died in London in 1945. He is remembered as one of the most important figures in the development of Symbolism in English literature.

Symons's philosophy was influenced by the Symbolist movement. He believed that poetry should be used to evoke emotion and create a mood. He also believed that poetry should be open to interpretation and that it should not be limited by traditional forms.

Symons was a controversial figure in his own time. Some people accused him of being too interested in form and style and not enough interested in content. However, Symons's work has been praised by many critics for its beauty, originality, and influence.

Arthur Symons is remembered as one of the most important figures in the development of Symbolism in English literature. His poetry, criticism, and editing helped to shape the movement and to introduce it to a wider audience. He is a significant figure in the history of English literature and his work continues to be read and studied today.

Books by Arthur Symons

Rain On The Down Cover image

Rain On The Down

Romance Symbolism Power of Nature Poems Journey Verses Fortnightly

Rain On The Down is a poem by Arthur Symons that captures the beauty and mystery of the English countryside in the rain. The poem is set on a downland (a type of rolling hill) on a rainy day. The speaker is alone, and he is filled with a sense of pe...

Figures of Several Centuries Cover image

Figures of Several Centuries

Arthur Symons talks through the histories and works of poets, playwrights, scholars and scribes. He provides both personal experience and critical wonder to the worlds of his subjects; Donne, Ibsen, Baudelaire and Emily Brontë among them. Summary by...

Silhouettes Cover image


This is a collection of verses by British poet, critic and magazine editor Arthur Symons, which, as some reviewers assure us, was "'unwholesome," because, he said, they had "a faint smell of Patchouli about them."' Modern readers may value the poetry...

Tristan and Iseult Cover image

Tristan and Iseult

A stage version of the traditional Celtic legend of Tristan and Iseult by the Welsh poet and playwright Arthur Symons. - Summary by Alan Mapstone Cast List King Mark of Cornwall: Alan Mapstone The King of Ireland: Alan Mapstone The Queen of I...