Image of Campbell Stuart


Lifetime: 1885 - 1972 Passed: ≈ 52 years ago


Newspaper magnate



Campbell Stuart

Sir Campbell Arthur Stuart was a Canadian newspaper magnate. He ran propaganda operations for the British during both World Wars.

In 1885 Campbell Arthur Stuart was born in Montreal, Canada to stockbroker Ernest Henry Stuart and Letitia Mary S. Brydges. He was descended from British Empire loyalists who moved to Canada from the United States of America following the American War of Independence.

In 1915, Stuart raised an Irish-Canadian regiment drawn from both the Protestant and Roman Catholic communities in Quebec. En route to France he arranged for the officers and men of the regiment to march through Ireland as a show of solidarity.

The effect of this effort to build a cross denominational consensus caught the attention of Canadian Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden. Borden arranged for Stuart to travel to the Vatican City to seek an audience with Pope Benedict XV and raise Papal interest in French Canada's war effort. Vatican officials were reportedly astonished at the speed in which he obtained his audience.

After his Vatican mission, Borden dispatched Stuart to Washington D.C. as Assistant Military Attaché. This made Stuart the first Canadian to be officially appointed to the British Diplomatic Service. Lord Northcliffe arrived in the United States and had Stuart transferred to his mission as Military Secretary in New York City. He then moved with Northcliffe to London to work in a propaganda role as Deputy Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries.

At the end of the First World War, Campbell was a Lieutenant-Colonel and had been Mentioned in Dispatches.

He would entertain at his home, The Grove, in the Highgate area of London. It was at his home where he died on 14 September 1972.

Books by Campbell Stuart

Secrets of Crewe House: the story of a famous campaign Cover image

Secrets of Crewe House: the story of a famous campaign

Non-Fiction Novel
Twentieth Century Murder War Young Military Politics Life Modern Women

The book tells the story of a high-profile campaign in the early 20th century that exposed a scandal involving a prominent British politician. First published in 1920, "Secrets of Crewe House" is a fascinating account of the investigation into the s...