Carl von Ossietzky
Books by Carl von Ossietzky

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 1
This first volume of collected writings by Carl von Ossietzky, a prominent German journalist and pacifist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935, compiles articles on politics, history, and art that were originally published in various periodicals bet...

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 2
This book is a collection of articles written by Carl von Ossietzky, a German journalist, pacifist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The articles were published in various magazines and newspapers between 1911 and 1921 and cover a wide range of topics...

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 3
This book is a collection of articles by Carl von Ossietzky, a German journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The articles were originally published in various magazines and newspapers, and cover a wide range of topics including politics, history,...

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 4
Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938), a renowned German journalist, pacifist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, stands as a prominent figure in the interwar period. Through his investigative journalism in the magazine 'Die Weltbühne,' he was among the first...

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 5
Dieser Band, der fünfte Teil der gesammelten Schriften von Carl von Ossietzky, umfasst Artikel über Politik, Geschichte und Kunst, die in verschiedenen Zeitschriften und Zeitungen veröffentlicht wurden. Ossietzky, ein prominenter Journalist, Pazifist...

Sämtliche Schriften 1911-1921, Teil 6
This volume, part of a larger collection of Carl von Ossietzky's writings, focuses on his work from 1911 to 1921. It contains articles, essays, and critiques, showcasing his evolution as a journalist and his growing engagement with political issues....