Image of Charles Baudelaire


Lifetime: 1821 - 1867 Passed: ≈ 156 years ago





Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet, art critic, and translator who is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in French literature. Born in Paris in 1821, Baudelaire was raised in a privileged household but had a tumultuous childhood marked by his father's death, his mother's remarriage, and his own struggles with depression and addiction. Despite these challenges, Baudelaire went on to publish several influential works that would shape the course of French poetry.

Baudelaire's work is characterized by his embrace of the darker aspects of life, as well as his fascination with themes of beauty, death, and the grotesque. His most famous work, Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil), was published in 1857 and is widely regarded as a masterpiece of modern poetry. The collection contains 100 poems, many of which explore themes of sex, death, and decadence, and was initially banned for its controversial content.

In addition to his work as a poet, Baudelaire was also an accomplished art critic and translator. He was a champion of the work of artists like Edgar Degas and Gustave Courbet, and his writings on art helped to shape the course of modern art criticism. He also translated the works of Edgar Allan Poe into French, introducing Poe's work to a French audience for the first time.

Baudelaire's philosophy was heavily influenced by the works of philosophers like Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche. He believed that the pursuit of pleasure and beauty was an essential aspect of human existence, but that this pursuit was always fraught with danger and risk. He saw life as a constant struggle between the forces of beauty and the forces of decay, and his writing reflects this tension.

Baudelaire died in Paris in 1867 at the age of 46. Despite his relatively short life, his influence on French literature and art was profound, and he is widely regarded as one of the most important figures of the 19th century. His works continue to be read and studied today, and his legacy as a poet and cultural critic remains secure.

One interesting fact about Baudelaire is that he was a lover of cats and kept several as pets throughout his life. He even wrote a poem called "The Cat" that explores the mystique and allure of these enigmatic creatures.

Books by Charles Baudelaire

An Invitation to a Journey Cover image

An Invitation to a Journey

Metaphor Poems Journey Life Emotion Verses Experiences Fortnightly

The collection comprises several poems that reflect Baudelaire's worldview and his interest in exploring the darker side of human nature. The poems in "An Invitation to a Journey" are characterized by their lyrical beauty and deep introspection. Bau...

Poème du Mois - 004 L'albatros Cover image

Poème du Mois - 004 L'albatros

Albatros ont été décrits comme "le plus légendaire de tous les oiseaux". Un albatros est un emblème central à La Rime du vieux marin de Samuel Taylor Coleridge, un albatros en captivité est également une métaphore de la poète maudit dans un poème de...

Poème du Mois - 005 Le Chat Cover image

Poème du Mois - 005 Le Chat

LE CHATViens, mon beau chat, sur mon cœur amoureux:Retiens les griffes de ta patte,Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,Mêlés de métal et d'agate.Lorsque mes doigts caressent à loisirTa tête et ton dos élastique,Et que ma main s'enivre du plaisi...

Flowers of Evil Cover image

Flowers of Evil

This is a collection of French poems by Charles Baudelaire, originally titled "Les Fleurs du mal." It was popular in the symbolist and modernist movements of the 19th century, and the poems are about decadence and eroticism. (Summary by Assaf Koss)

fleurs du mal Cover image

fleurs du mal

La compilation de poèmes intitulée "Les fleurs du mal" de Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) fit fureur et scandale dès sa publication initiale. Du coup, six poèmes furent censurés pour immoralité et n'apparaîtront que dans les publications d'après 1949....

Invitation to a Journey Cover image

Invitation to a Journey

Multilingual Monthly Poetry Project is a project oriented to gather multiple translations and multiple contributions of one chosen poem for the current month. Welcome to the world of interpretations!The poet, impressed by the beauty of the exotic cou...