
Lifetime: 1884 - 1966 Passed: ≈ 58 years ago




Charles Willard Diffin

Books by Charles Willard Diffin

Two Thousand Miles Below Cover image

Two Thousand Miles Below

A science fiction novel that was originally produced in four parts in the publication: Astounding Stories in June, September, November 1932, January 1933. The main character is Dean Rawson, who plans on discovering a way of mining power from a dead v...

Finding of Haldgren Cover image

Finding of Haldgren

Chet Ballard answers the pinpoint of light that from the craggy desolation of the moon stabs out man's old call for help. (Summary by Charles Diffin)

Dark Moon Cover image

Dark Moon

Mysterious, dark, out of the unknown deep comes a new satellite to lure three courageous Earthlings on to strange adventures. (Summary by Charles Diffin)

Brood of the Dark Moon Cover image

Brood of the Dark Moon

Once more Chet, Walt and Diane are united in a wild ride to the Dark Moon—but this time they go as prisoners of their deadly enemy Schwartzmann.(Summary by Charles Diffin)

Moon Master Cover image

Moon Master

Through Infinite Deeps of Space Jerry Foster Hurtles to the Moon—Only to be Trapped by a Barbaric Race and Offered as a Living Sacrifice to Oong, their Loathsome, Hypnotic God. (Summary by Charles W. Diffin)

Astounding Stories 02, February 1930 Cover image

Astounding Stories 02, February 1930

This is the second issue of the classic science fiction Astounding Magazine. It contains the finale of The Beetle Horde by Victor Rousseau, as well as stories by Harl Vincent, Charles Willard Diffin, Hugh B. Cave, Sophie Wenzel Ellis, Sterner St. Pau...

Astounding Stories 07, July 1930 Cover image

Astounding Stories 07, July 1930

Issue seven of this seminal science-fiction magazine - Summary by Annise

Astounding Stories 11, November 1930 Cover image

Astounding Stories 11, November 1930

This science-fiction mag includes "The Wall of Death" by Victor Rousseau, "The Pirate Planet" by Charles W. Diffin, "The Destroyer" by William Merriam Rouse, "The Gray Plague" by L. A. Eshbach, "Jetta of the Lowlands" by Ray Cummings, and "Vagabonds...

Astounding Stories 17, May 1931 Cover image

Astounding Stories 17, May 1931

This issue of the science-fiction magazine includes a novella by Charles W. Diffin titled "Dark Moon" and several short stories, including "When Caverns Yawned", by Captain S.P. Meek "When the Moon Turned Green", by Hal K. Wells and "The Death-Cloud....

Astounding Stories 14, February 1931 Cover image

Astounding Stories 14, February 1931

This issue includes "Werewolves of War" by D. W. Hall, "The Tentacles from Below" by Anthony Gilmore, "The Black Lamp" by Captain S. P. Meek, "Phalanxes of Atlans" by F. V. W. Mason, and continues with "The Pirate Planet" by Charles W. Diffin, - Su...

Astounding Stories 18, June 1931 Cover image

Astounding Stories 18, June 1931

This issue contains The Man from 2072 by Sewell Peaslee Wright ~ Out of the Flow of Time there appears to Commander John Hanson a Man of Mystery from a Forgotten Past Manape the Mighty by Arthur J. Burks~ High in theJungle Swings young Bentley - his...