
Lifetime: 1883 - 1959 Passed: ≈ 66 years ago




Coningsby Dawson

Books by Coningsby Dawson

Christmas Outside Of Eden Cover image

Christmas Outside Of Eden

Fantasy Humour Mythology Children's Literature
Christmas Hope God Fantasy Animals Humor Joy Myth Birth Creation Wonder Angels

This whimsical tale explores the genesis of the first baby on Earth, as seen through the eyes of the animal kingdom and celestial beings. With a touch of humor and a delicate approach to the divine, 'Christmas Outside Of Eden' offers a delightful and...

It Might Have Happened to You Cover image

It Might Have Happened to You

History Memoir Non-Fiction War
political Reconstruction Suffering Humanity Anti-War Misery Peace World war i Eastern Europe Post-war Starvation Central Europe

Coningsby Dawson's "It Might Have Happened to You" offers a stark and poignant account of the immense human suffering, particularly widespread starvation, that ravaged Central and Eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War I. The book paints a star...