
Lifetime: 1823 - 1896 Passed: ≈ 129 years ago




Coventry Patmore

Books by Coventry Patmore

Toys Cover image


Poetry Romance Tragedy
Family Love Beauty Innocence Death Nature Time Loss Childhood Memory Fatherhood Grief

'The Toys' is a short, poignant poem by Coventry Patmore, exploring the themes of childhood innocence, loss, and the enduring power of love and memory. It recounts the speaker's recollection of his children's toys, imbued with the bittersweet joy and...

Revelation Cover image


Poetry Romance
Marriage Love Victorian Domesticity Ideals

This book is a collection of poems by Coventry Patmore. The poems explore the themes of love, marriage, domesticity, and faith. They are written in a lyrical and meditative style, and they offer a unique perspective on the human experience.