Image of Dorothy Parker


Lifetime: 1893 - 1967 Passed: ≈ 57 years ago


Poet, Writer


United States

Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker was a renowned American writer, poet, and critic who is known for her witty and sarcastic writing style. Born in West End, New Jersey in 1893, Parker was a leading figure in the Algonquin Round Table, a group of intellectuals, writers, and critics who gathered regularly for lunch at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City. Throughout her career, she was known for her biting humor and her ability to write insightful and poignant poetry, stories, and essays that shed light on the social and political issues of her day.

Dorothy Parker was famous for her principles of wit and irony, which were evident in her writing. Her writing style was characterized by an acerbic wit, sharp humor, and an unapologetic honesty that often left her readers in stitches. She was a vocal advocate for social justice and was particularly passionate about issues related to women's rights, including suffrage and reproductive freedom. Throughout her life, Parker remained true to her principles, never hesitating to speak out against injustice and oppression, even when her opinions were unpopular or controversial.

One of the most notable works by Dorothy Parker is the collection of poems, "Not So Deep as a Well." This collection, published in 1936, showcases Parker's wit and satirical writing style, as well as her mastery of the form of poetry. In this book, Parker tackles a wide range of subjects, from love and heartbreak to politics and social issues. Her work continues to be widely read and celebrated, and is considered one of the best collections of poetry from the 20th century.

In addition to her poetry, Parker was also a talented fiction writer, publishing several short stories and essays throughout her career. Her stories often tackled controversial subjects, such as infidelity, sexuality, and the struggles of women, and were noted for their humor, insight, and poignant commentary on the human experience.

Dorothy Parker's philosophy was one of honesty, wit, and social justice. Throughout her life, she remained committed to her principles, even when it was not popular to do so. She died in 1967, but she is remembered today as one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the 20th century. Her writing continues to be widely read and studied, and her influence on the world of literature is widely acknowledged.

A fun fact about Dorothy Parker is that she was a huge fan of gin, and it is said that she drank an entire bottle of gin each day. Despite her love of gin, she remained a prolific writer and remained active in the world of literature and politics until her death.

In conclusion, Dorothy Parker was a gifted writer, poet, and critic who remains one of the most revered and celebrated figures in the world of literature. Her writing continues to be widely read and studied, and her legacy lives on through her powerful, insightful, and humorous works. Whether you're a fan of poetry, fiction, or critical essays, there is no denying the enduring impact of Dorothy Parker and her writing on the literary world.

Books by Dorothy Parker

Recurrence  Cover image


Twentieth Century Death Nature Poems Life Fortnightly Meditation

The poem is a meditation on the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of death. Parker uses the image of the moon to symbolize the recurring cycle of life and death, with each phase of the moon representing a different stage in the cycle. The...

Men I'm Not Married To Cover image

Men I'm Not Married To

Short Works Observation Relationships Experiences Human Nature

This book is a delightful read that showcases Parker's wit and sharp observational skills. The stories in "Men I'm Not Married To" revolve around the various men that the narrator encounters in her life. Some are acquaintances, while others are love...

Enough Rope Cover image

Enough Rope

Love Witty Wisdom Observation Relationships Verses Human Condition

It is a captivating collection of witty and insightful poems that will delight and engage young readers. This book showcases her unique style and sharp observations on life, love, and society. First published in 1926, "Enough Rope" quickly gained pop...