
Lifetime: 1870 - 1923 Passed: ≈ 102 years ago




E. M. Wilmot-Buxton

Books by E. M. Wilmot-Buxton

Book of English Martyrs Cover image

Book of English Martyrs

History Religion Children's Literature
Persecution Catholicism 16th century Jesuits English Martyrs Tyburn Carthusians Secular Priests Margaret Clitherow Blessed Thomas More Cardinal Pole

This book is a simple narrative suited to children's understanding of the thrilling times when English Catholics suffered for the Faith in the troubled days of the sixteenth century, when Tyburn tree was a concrete fact, and when ardent love hurled t...

Little Book of St. Francis & His Brethren Cover image

Little Book of St. Francis & His Brethren

Non-Fiction Religion Biography Children's Literature
Poverty Nature Christianity Catholicism Charity Brotherhood Simple life Religious life Asceticism Franciscan Friars Saint Francis

This book is a biographical account of Saint Francis of Assisi, focusing on his life, teachings, and the Franciscan Order he founded. It highlights his dedication to poverty, charity, and living in harmony with nature. The book is written in a simple...