Image of Egon Erwin Kisch


Lifetime: 1885 - 1948 Passed: ≈ 76 years ago


Austrian, Czechoslovak writer, Journalist


Austria, Czechia

Egon Erwin Kisch

Egon Erwin Kisch (29 April 1885 – 31 March 1948) was an Austrian and Czechoslovak journalist, novelist, and playwright. He was known for his innovative use of literary reportage, his commitment to social justice, and his outspoken criticism of fascism and totalitarianism.

Kisch was born in Prague, Austria-Hungary, to a Jewish family. He studied law at the University of Vienna, but he abandoned his studies to pursue a career in journalism. He began writing for the liberal newspaper Die Fackel in 1908, and he quickly became known for his sharp wit and his ability to expose corruption and injustice.

In 1912, Kisch traveled to Russia to report on the Revolution of 1917. His reports were highly critical of the Bolshevik government, and he was expelled from the country in 1918. He returned to Prague, where he continued to write for Die Fackel and other publications.

In 1933, Kisch was forced to flee from Nazi Germany to Czechoslovakia. He continued to write and travel, and he became a vocal critic of the Nazi regime. In 1938, he was expelled from Czechoslovakia and settled in Mexico City.

Kisch remained in Mexico City until his death in 1948. He is remembered as one of the most important journalists of the 20th century. His work helped to shape public opinion and to promote social justice.

Key Principles

  • Kisch believed in the power of journalism to expose corruption and injustice.
  • He was a strong advocate for social justice, and he often used his writing to criticize the powerful.
  • He was also a committed anti-fascist, and he spoke out against the rise of Hitler and Mussolini.

Notable Works

  • Der rasende Reporter (1924)
  • China geheim (1935)
  • Aus Prager Gassen und Nächten (1936)
  • Der Fall des Generalstabschefs Redl (1937)
  • Pariser Briefe (1938)


Kisch's philosophy was influenced by his experiences as a journalist and his commitment to social justice. He believed that journalism had a responsibility to expose corruption and injustice, and he used his writing to challenge the powerful and to speak out for the oppressed. He was also a committed anti-fascist, and he spoke out against the rise of Hitler and Mussolini.

Death and Legacy

Kisch died in Mexico City in 1948 at the age of 62. He is remembered as one of the most important journalists of the 20th century. His work helped to shape public opinion and to promote social justice. He is also remembered for his innovative use of literary reportage, which influenced a generation of journalists.

Interesting Facts

  • Kisch was a polyglot, and he spoke over 20 languages.
  • He was a keen photographer, and he took many photographs of his travels.
  • He was a member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, but he was expelled in 1938 for his criticism of the Soviet Union.
  • He was a close friend of the writer Franz Kafka.
  • He is buried in Mexico City.

Books by Egon Erwin Kisch

Hetzjagd durch die Zeit Cover image

Hetzjagd durch die Zeit

Essays Novel
Mystery Adventure Thriller Historical Fiction Suspense Past German Literature

In "Hetzjagd durch die Zeit" entführt uns Egon Erwin Kisch auf eine fesselnde Reise durch die Jahrhunderte. Ein rätselhaftes Artefakt verbindet Vergangenheit und Gegenwart auf geheimnisvolle Weise und zwingt unsere Protagonisten in einen Strudel aus...

Der Fall des Generalstabschefs Redl Cover image

Der Fall des Generalstabschefs Redl

Australian life Military Spy Thriller Historical Fiction Espionage Betrayal Secret Political Intrigue

Entdecken Sie das fesselnde Drama von "Der Fall des Generalstabschefs Redl" von Egon Erwin Kisch. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Intrigen, Geheimnisse und Machtspielchen, während wir die Geschichte des hochrangigen Offiziers Alfred Redl erkunden. D...

Kriminalistisches Reisebuch Cover image

Kriminalistisches Reisebuch

History Social criticism Journalism True Crime social commentary Investigation Travelogue

"Kriminalistisches Reisebuch" von Egon Erwin Kisch entführt die Leser auf eine fesselnde Reise in die düsteren Abgründe der menschlichen Natur. Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur ein einfacher Reiseführer; es ist eine Sammlung von Kriminalgeschichten, die...

Aus Prager Gassen und Nächten Cover image

Aus Prager Gassen und Nächten

Egon Erwin Kisch, auch bekannt als „der rasende Reporter“, erzählt hier in kleinen Reportagen Begebenheiten aus Prag. Informationen aus seinem Leben als Reporter verwertete er gekonnt in kleinen Episoden, so dass man oft zwischen Realität und Fiktion...

rasende Reporter Cover image

rasende Reporter

Kisch veröffentlichte diese Sammlung von Reportagen nach den ersten etwa 10 Jahren seiner Tätigkeit als Autor für verschiedene Zeitungen. Als einen "Rasenden Reporter" bezeichnet man im deutschen Sprachgebrauch noch heute jemanden, der Tag und Nacht...