
Lifetime: 1807 - 1892 Passed: ≈ 133 years ago




Emilie Flygare-Carlén

Books by Emilie Flygare-Carlén

Nyckfull kvinna del 1 – Den Obundna flickan Cover image

Nyckfull kvinna del 1 – Den Obundna flickan

Romance Fiction Drama Novel
Marriage 19th century Love Morality Independence Romance Social Class Society Conflict Relationships Character development Estate Swedish Literature Family Drama Women's Roles Sweden Värmland Manor Patriarchal Society Edith Sternfelt Helmer Janne Primus Hovrättsrådinnan Greve

Emilie Flygare-Carlén var under 1800-talet en av Sveriges mest populära och lästa författare.En Nyckfull kvinna, som gavs ut i fyra delar, har den unga Edith Sternfelt som centralgestalt. Hon är på ytan en mycket självmedveten, självsäker och nyckful...

Nyckfull kvinna del 2 - Fästmön Cover image

Nyckfull kvinna del 2 - Fästmön

Romance Fiction Drama Novel
Family Marriage 19th century Love Romance Inheritance Society Class Conflict Wealth Relationships Sweden Choice Rivalry

In "Fästmön", the second part of "En Nyckfull kvinna", Edith Sternfelt navigates complex emotions amidst the social expectations of 19th-century Sweden. She grapples with her feelings for the estate manager, Helmer Dagby, while facing pressure from h...

Nyckfull kvinna del 3 - Hustrun Cover image

Nyckfull kvinna del 3 - Hustrun

Romance Fiction Drama
Family Marriage Love Social Class Jealousy Challenges Relationships Change Country life Women's Roles Adaptation

I 'Hustrun', the third part of 'En nyckfull kvinna', Edith Sternfelt, a young woman from a wealthy family, confronts her feelings for Ernst Helmer, the estate manager, and against her mother's wishes, marries him. Leaving her privileged life behind,...

Nyckfull kvinna del 4 - Modern Cover image

Nyckfull kvinna del 4 - Modern

Romance Fiction Drama Novel
Family Marriage 19th century Love Society Class Conflict Relationships Intrigue Sweden Secrets Domestic drama

Nyckfull kvinna del 4 - Modern continues the story of Edith and Ernst's tumultuous relationship. After a near-separation fueled by jealousy and suspicion, they find themselves seeking refuge at Ernst's uncle's estate, Grandalen. While there, they rec...