
Lifetime: 1839 - 1930 Passed: ≈ 95 years ago





Ferreol Girardey

Rev. Ferreol Girardey was a member of The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, a Roman Catholic missionary Congregation founded by Saint Alphonsus Liguori at Scala, near Amalfi, Italy for the purpose of labouring among the neglected country people in the neighbourhood of Naples.

Books by Ferreol Girardey

Prayer: Its Necessity, Its Power, Its Conditions Cover image

Prayer: Its Necessity, Its Power, Its Conditions

Non-Fiction Religion
Christianity Prayer

Redemptorist Father Ferreol Girardey's book, which bears an imprimatur, is a broad introductory treatise on the subject of prayer. He discusses the power and necessity of prayer, explains why some prayers do not seem to be answered, and tells us how...