
Lifetime: 1793 - 1875 Passed: ≈ 150 years ago




Francis Bond Head

Books by Francis Bond Head

Rough Notes Taken During Some Rapid Journeys Across the Pampas and Among the Andes Cover image

Rough Notes Taken During Some Rapid Journeys Across the Pampas and Among the Andes

Adventure History Memoir Non-Fiction Travel
19th century History Nature Adventure Exploration Travel Mining British Empire Landscape Survival Colonialism Horses Frontier South America Argentina Resourcefulness Andes Pampas Gauchos Mules

Francis Bond Head's 'Rough Notes' provides a firsthand account of his travels across the Pampas and Andes in the 1820s. The book details his experiences as a mining supervisor for the Rio Plata Mining Association, a British company attempting to revi...