
Lifetime: 1845 - 1935 Passed: ≈ 90 years ago




Godfrey Sweven

Books by Godfrey Sweven

Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles Cover image

Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles

Fantasy Adventure Fiction
Mystery Nature Adventure Exploration Isolation Identity Exile Discovery Imagination Survival Encounter Archipelago

Set on a mysterious and remote archipelago, "Riallaro" follows the journey of an unnamed narrator who encounters a solitary and enigmatic figure. As the narrator explores the island's untamed wilderness, they uncover secrets, confront existential que...

Limanora, The Island Of Progress Cover image

Limanora, The Island Of Progress

Fantasy Dystopian Science Fiction Novel
Future Dystopia Progress Utopia Island Society Technology Experiment Eugenics Power source Medical Advancements Computers Weather Control Social Experiment

Limanora, a secluded island nation, serves as a fascinating study in the possibilities and pitfalls of engineered progress. The inhabitants, subjects of a grand eugenic experiment, enjoy the fruits of advanced technology: weather control, sophisticat...