
Lifetime: 1876 - 1960 Passed: ≈ 65 years ago




Grace May North

Books by Grace May North

Bobs, a Girl Detective Cover image

Bobs, a Girl Detective

Children's Literature Mystery
Independence Mystery Sisters Adventure Young adult

Bobs, a Girl Detective is a captivating mystery novel for young readers. The story revolves around Bobs, one of four orphaned sisters who must navigate life's challenges together. Amidst their struggles, they embark on thrilling adventures and solve...

Meg of Mystery Mountain Cover image

Meg of Mystery Mountain

Adventure Fiction Novel Children's Literature Mystery
School Mystery Adventure Friendship Summer Coming-of-age Boarding school Girls Vacation Rivalry

Meg of Mystery Mountain is a classic children's mystery novel by Grace May North. The story follows four girls, Jane, Esther, Barbara, and Marion, as they spend the summer at a boarding school in the mountains. When one of the girls goes missing, the...

Seven Sleuths' Club Cover image

Seven Sleuths' Club

Adventure Children's Literature Mystery
Detective School Mystery Adventure Friendship Solving Secrets Girls Clues Enigma Puzzles Club

A group of schoolgirls form a club dedicated to spreading sunshine, but their true calling lies in solving mysteries. As they embark on their first case, a new member joins their ranks, and the girls find themselves entangled in a captivating web of...

Virginia's Adventure Club Cover image

Virginia's Adventure Club

Adventure Fiction Children's Literature
Youth Nature Exploration Friendship Challenges Coming-of-age Outdoors Growing up School life Teamwork Girls' school Adventure club

This book follows the adventures of a group of girls attending a boarding school who decide to form their own adventure club. The club members embark on expeditions, exploring the surrounding countryside, participating in outdoor activities, and ove...