
Lifetime: 1836 - 1870 Passed: ≈ 155 years ago




Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Books by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Leyendas Cover image


Fantasy Horror Fiction
Gothic Religion Death Adventure Legends Prose Poetry Afterlife Enchantment Exotic Terror Witchcraft Oriental Romancero Animism

Leyendas, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, is a collection of short stories that explore themes of the supernatural, the macabre, and the mystical. The stories draw inspiration from a variety of sources, including Spanish folklore, the Romancero, and the O...

Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers Cover image

Christmas Stories from French and Spanish Writers

Fiction Children's Literature
Christmas Anthology Tradition Literature Short Stories Culture Winter Fiction French Literature Spanish Literature Holiday Europe Holiday Stories

This book is a collection of fifteen short stories by various French and Spanish writers. Each story captures the spirit of Christmas, exploring themes of love, family, generosity, and hope, with a touch of cultural nuance. The stories offer a glimps...

Von Teufeln, Geistern und Dämonen (Auswahl) Cover image

Von Teufeln, Geistern und Dämonen (Auswahl)

Fantasy Horror Fiction
Gothic Spirit Fear Supernatural Evil Passion Dark Humanity Soul Ghost Destruction Demon

The book is a collection of short stories by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer that explore the dark side of human nature. Bécquer delves into the sinister and disturbing depths of the human soul, revealing the destructive power of unchecked passions. The stor...

Rimas Cover image


Poetry Romance
Love Passion Loss Desire Classic Literature Sorrow Spanish Literature Heartbreak Emotions Romantic poetry

"Rimas y Leyendas" (Rhymes and Legends) is a collection of poems and legends by 19th-century Spanish writer Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. The poems, which make up the majority of the book, are mostly short and lyrical, expressing themes of love, loss, and...

Desde mi celda - cartas literarias Cover image

Desde mi celda - cartas literarias

Memoir Non-Fiction
Contemporary Spring Literature Letters Winter Monastery Diary

This non-fiction work consists of nine literary letters written by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer during his stay at the Veruela monastery in the winter of 1864 and part of the spring. These letters were originally published in "El Contemporáneo" newspaper i...

Rimas Versión 2 Cover image

Rimas Versión 2

Poetry Romance Drama
Love Beauty Death Nature Faith Loss Hope Soul Despair Dreams Melancholy Romantic poetry

Las "Rimas" de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer son un conjunto de poemas que exploran temas universales como el amor, la muerte, la naturaleza, la fe y la melancolía. Su estilo lírico y apasionado ha cautivado a lectores durante generaciones. A través de imá...