
Lifetime: 1876 - 1946 Passed: ≈ 79 years ago




Hans Bethge

Books by Hans Bethge

stillen Inseln Cover image

stillen Inseln

Poetry Romance Philosophy
Love Beauty Mystery Nature Exploration Hope Music Peace Idyll Rhythm Unknown

Hans Bethge's early poems are mainly characterized by love and nature lyrics. He often uses a musical-rhythmic language in unbound verses.

Sonnenuntergang – eine Dichtung Cover image

Sonnenuntergang – eine Dichtung

Poetry Philosophy Drama
Drama Beauty Tragedy Nature Symbolism Art Mortality Philosophy Ephemerality Sunset

This book is a dramatic poem that explores the themes of sunset, mortality, and the beauty of nature. The author draws a parallel between the setting sun and the end of life, suggesting that both are beautiful and不可避免. The poem is written in a ly...