
Lifetime: 1875 - 1938 Passed: ≈ 86 years ago




Helen Rootham

Books by Helen Rootham

Wheels - The First Cycle Cover image

Wheels - The First Cycle

A series of six volumes of Wheels anthologies was produced by members of the Sitwell family, the first in 1916. Apart from Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell, the poets represented in the series include Nancy Cunard, whose family founded the Cuna...

Wheels - The Second Cycle Cover image

Wheels - The Second Cycle

A series of six volumes of Wheels anthologies was produced by members of the Sitwell family between 1916 and 1922. The second volume, published in 1917, contains poems by the Sitwells and also Aldous Huxley, among others. - Summary by Algy Pug