
Lifetime: 1911 - 1981 Passed: ≈ 44 years ago




James H. Schmitz

Books by James H. Schmitz

Legacy Cover image


Adventure Action Science Fiction
Mystery Action Adventure Science Fiction Dangerous Martial Arts Space Exploration Galactic Futuristic Ancient machines Powerful woman Alien life

Trigger Argee, a skilled martial artist, embarks on a dangerous quest to find her missing associate, Holati Tate. Their search leads them to ancient living machines, slumbering for millennia, that suddenly awaken. These machines hold a mystery that c...

Lion Loose Cover image

Lion Loose

Science Fiction
Intelligence Science Fiction Danger Animals Wrong conclusions

In "Lion Loose," author James H. Schmitz explores the fascinating and thrilling concept of the most dangerous animal not being the biggest or fiercest, but rather the one that's most challenging to stop. Adding intelligence to this equation could lea...

Captives of the Thieve-Star Cover image

Captives of the Thieve-Star

Adventure Science Fiction
Adventure Romance Danger Heist Space travel Yomm

Captives of the Thieve-Star is a thrilling science fiction adventure novel that follows Peer and Channok, a newly married couple, as they discover the abandoned Ra-Twelve on their way to cache their Space-Rat bootie on the Nameless planet. However, t...