
Lifetime: 1847 - 1942 Passed: ≈ 83 years ago




Lilian Whiting

Books by Lilian Whiting

From Dreamland Sent Cover image

From Dreamland Sent

Poetry Non-Fiction Essays
19th century Love Dream Imagery Nature Romanticism Loss Hope Spirituality Poetry Transcendentalism American

'From Dreamland Sent' is a collection of poems by Lilian Whiting, a prominent American writer of the late 19th century. The poems explore themes of love, loss, hope, and the beauty of nature. Whiting's work reflects the romantic and transcendentali...

Land of Enchantment: From Pike's Peak to the Pacific Cover image

Land of Enchantment: From Pike's Peak to the Pacific

Adventure History Non-Fiction Travel
History Nature Adventure Exploration Culture Travel Geography American West Arizona Colorado New Mexico Grand Canyon

An engaging historical and geographical guide to the American West, encompassing Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and the Grand Canyon. It provides an in-depth look at each region's culture, scenery, and historical landmarks, capturing both the grandeu...