
Lifetime: 1910 - 2003 Passed: ≈ 21 years ago




Lloyd Eshbach

Books by Lloyd Eshbach

Gray Plague Cover image

Gray Plague

End of the world sci-fi tale borrows heavily from H.G. Wells' WOTW and In The Days of the Comet -- looks like fun ! ( Summary by BellonaTimes )

Astounding Stories 11, November 1930 Cover image

Astounding Stories 11, November 1930

This science-fiction mag includes "The Wall of Death" by Victor Rousseau, "The Pirate Planet" by Charles W. Diffin, "The Destroyer" by William Merriam Rouse, "The Gray Plague" by L. A. Eshbach, "Jetta of the Lowlands" by Ray Cummings, and "Vagabonds...

Isle of the Undead Cover image

Isle of the Undead

"A gripping, thrilling, uncanny tale about the frightful fate that befell a yachting party on the dreadful island of living dead men." - Summary from Weird Tales, Volume 28, Issue 3, October 1936