
Lifetime: 1580 - 1629 Passed: ≈ 395 years ago




Lording Barry

Books by Lording Barry

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks by Lording Barry Cover image

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks by Lording Barry

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks, is a bawdy comedy by Lording Barry, a contemporary of Shakespeare. The production bankrupted Barry, landed him in debtor's jail, and set him off on a life of piracy. The action of Ram Alley takes place in a disreputable Lo...

Family of Love Cover image

Family of Love

The Family of Love is an early Jacobean city comedy, first published in 1608. Published anonymously, the play was long attributed to Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker, although more recent scholarship suggests that Lording Barry may be the sole auth...