
Lifetime: 1580 - 1629 Passed: ≈ 396 years ago




Lording Barry

Books by Lording Barry

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks by Lording Barry Cover image

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks by Lording Barry

Comedy History Drama
Play Intelligence Comedy London Piracy Wit Elizabethan Jacobean Ladies Lawyers Bawdy Lords Prostitutes Vagabonds Debtor's Jail

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks is a play by Lording Barry, a contemporary of Shakespeare, set in a vibrant and disreputable London street teeming with diverse characters. The play humorously explores social dynamics and human nature through witty dialogu...

Family of Love Cover image

Family of Love

Satire Comedy Drama
Marriage Play Love Deceit social commentary Humor Jacobean City comedy Religious satire Familia Caritatis Sexual morality Gallants

The Family of Love is a Jacobean comedy that lampoons the Familia Caritatis, a religious sect known for its unconventional beliefs and practices. The play revolves around several characters caught in a web of love, deception, and social satire. Gerar...