
Lifetime: 1865 - 1921 Passed: ≈ 104 years ago




מיכה יוסף ברדיצ'בסקי Micha Josef Berdyczewski

Books by מיכה יוסף ברדיצ'בסקי Micha Josef Berdyczewski

מרים Miriam Cover image

מרים Miriam

Fiction Novel
19th century Enlightenment Religion Tradition Culture Modernity Loss Identity Social Change Jewish life Eastern Europe Shtetl

Miriam, a young Jewish girl living in a small town in Eastern Europe at the end of the 19th century, finds herself caught between the rigid traditions of her religious community and the burgeoning winds of modernity and enlightenment. The book explor...

סיפורים (Stories) Cover image

סיפורים (Stories)

Fiction Philosophy Drama
Tradition Modernity Individualism Identity Exile Rebellion Jewish Alienation Loneliness Europe Social Critique Shtetl

This collection of stories by Micha Josef Berdyczewski explores the complex experiences of Jewish individuals grappling with modernity and the pressures of tradition. Set primarily within the confines of the traditional Jewish shtetl and the unfamili...