
Lifetime: 1899 - 1976 Passed: ≈ 48 years ago




R. F. Starzl

Books by R. F. Starzl

Astounding Stories 08, August 1930 Cover image

Astounding Stories 08, August 1930

Issue eight of this seminal science-fiction magazine CONTENTS Murder Madness by Murray Leinster - the conclusion of this novel Earth the Maurader by Arthur J. Burks - Part 2 of a 3 Part novel as well as short Stories The Planet of Dread by R.F. Starx...

Astounding Stories 18, June 1931 Cover image

Astounding Stories 18, June 1931

This issue contains The Man from 2072 by Sewell Peaslee Wright ~ Out of the Flow of Time there appears to Commander John Hanson a Man of Mystery from a Forgotten Past Manape the Mighty by Arthur J. Burks~ High in theJungle Swings young Bentley - his...

Astounding Stories 20, August 1931 Cover image

Astounding Stories 20, August 1931

This issue contains THE DANGER FROM THE DEEP by Ralph Milne Farley Marooned on the Sea-Floor, His Hoisting Cable Cut, Young Abbot Is Left at the Mercy of the Man-Sharks [BROOD OF THE DARK MOON PART 1 .We are not inlcuding this as this is the last fu...

Metal Moon Cover image

Metal Moon

With interplanetary exploration. expeditions will range through and beyond the solar system. Colonization will not be far behind. But what will the colonies be like at the end of several hundred centuries and would they even recognize each other as m...