Audiobook of Richard Harris Barham


Lifetime: 1788 - 1845 Passed: ≈ 179 years ago


English Novelist


United Kingdom

Richard Harris Barham

Richard Harris Barham was an English author and clergyman who lived during the 19th century. He is best known for his humorous and satirical works, particularly his collection of poems titled "The Ingoldsby Legends." Barham was born in 1788 in Canterbury, England, and he pursued a career in the church, becoming a reverend and serving as a cleric in various parishes throughout his life.

Barham's writing style was characterized by his wit, clever wordplay, and the use of humor to satirize various aspects of society and human nature. His works often featured supernatural elements, historical settings, and eccentric characters, creating a unique blend of comedy and satire.

"The Ingoldsby Legends" is Barham's most famous work, consisting of a collection of humorous and macabre poems and tales. These stories were published in serialized form in various magazines and later compiled into a book. The legends revolve around folklore, ghost stories, and supernatural occurrences, blending humor with elements of horror and suspense.

Barham's philosophy can be seen in his satirical approach to social issues and his ability to use humor to shed light on human follies and societal absurdities. His works often challenged conventional norms and satirized the hypocrisy and pretensions of the Victorian era.

Richard Harris Barham passed away in 1845, leaving behind a legacy of entertaining and witty literature. He is remembered as a skilled writer who brought humor and satire to the forefront of English literature. Barham's works continue to be enjoyed by readers today, and "The Ingoldsby Legends" remains a beloved collection of humorous and fantastical tales.

A fun fact about Richard Harris Barham is that he wrote under the pseudonym "Thomas Ingoldsby," a fictional character he created for his writings. This pen name added an air of mystery and intrigue to his works, contributing to their popularity and enduring appeal.

In conclusion, Richard Harris Barham was a talented English author known for his humorous and satirical works, particularly "The Ingoldsby Legends." His witty and clever writing style, combined with his ability to use humor to highlight societal issues, made him a unique and influential figure in 19th-century literature. Barham's legacy lives on through his entertaining stories, which continue to entertain readers to this day.

Books by Richard Harris Barham

The Ingoldsby Legends, 2nd Series Cover image

The Ingoldsby Legends, 2nd Series

Fairy Tale
Morality Imaginative Narrative Suspense Myths Humorous Fiction Legends Supernatural Fiction Folk lore Storytelling Classic Literature

"The Ingoldsby Legends, 2nd Series" by Richard Harris Barham is a captivating collection of humorous and macabre tales that will delight young readers. This book, written by the esteemed author, offers a unique blend of comedy and supernatural elemen...

Ingoldsby Legends, 1st Series Cover image

Ingoldsby Legends, 1st Series

The Ingoldsby Legends are a collection of myths, legends, ghost stories and poetry supposedly written by Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Manor, actually a pen-name of Richard Harris Barham. The legends were first printed in 1837 as a regular series...