Robert Eustace
Books by Robert Eustace
Master of Mysteries
"It so happened that the circumstances of fate allowed me to follow my own bent in the choice of a profession. From my earliest youth the weird, the mysterious had an irresistible fascination for me. Having private means, I resolved to follow my uniq...
Sorceress of the Strand
From the moment Madame Sara arrived on the scene, she has taken London society by storm. Madame is both beautiful and mysterious, but it soon becomes clear to both Dixon Druce and his friend, police surgeon Eric Vandeleur, that there is something si...
hermandad de los siete reyes
El señor Norman Head es un gentleman cuya desahogada posición le permite dedicar todo su tiempo a sus investigaciones científicas amateurs y a luchar contra la cofradía criminal que da título a la serie. En ese afán es secundado por su fiel amigo el...