
Lifetime: 1867 - 1949 Passed: ≈ 76 years ago




Roderic Quinn

Books by Roderic Quinn

Poems Cover image


Poetry Fiction Drama
Short Stories Poetry Immigrants Irish Dawn Henry Lawson Dusk club Victor J. Daley

This book is a collection of poems by Roderic Quinn, the seventh child of Irish immigrants. He was variously a teacher, public servant and newspaper editor before turning to the writing of poetry and short stories. He was particularly associated with...

Song of the Cicadas Cover image

Song of the Cicadas

Metaphor Imagery Nature Symbolism Human Condition Lyric Poetry Classical Poetry Australian Poetry Nature Poetry The Natural World The Elements Literary Devices Thematic Poetry

This poetry collection from the Australian poet Roderic Quinn is a meditation on the natural world and the human condition. Through vivid imagery and symbolism, Quinn explores themes of nature, beauty, mortality, and the human experience. His poems e...