
Lifetime: 1515 - 1582 Passed: ≈ 443 years ago




Saint Teresa of Avila

Books by Saint Teresa of Avila

Libro de la Vida Cover image

Libro de la Vida

Memoir Non-Fiction Religion Biography
Autobiography Prayer Catholicism Mysticism Introspection Spiritual Monastery Founding Reformation Contemplation Religious life

El Libro de la Vida es una autobiografía espiritual escrita por Santa Teresa de Ávila. Narra su viaje espiritual, desde su infancia hasta la fundación de su primer monasterio reformado. Describe con detalle sus experiencias místicas, su práctica de o...

Poetry of St Teresa of Avila Cover image

Poetry of St Teresa of Avila

Poetry Non-Fiction Religion
Love Faith Devotion Spirituality Prayer God Mysticism Spanish Christian Soul Catholic Carmelite

This collection of poetry by Saint Teresa of Ávila, a prominent figure in the Catholic Church, offers a glimpse into her profound spiritual journey. Her poems explore themes of love for God, the challenges of faith, and the pursuit of mystical experi...

Minor Works of St Teresa of Avila Cover image

Minor Works of St Teresa of Avila

Philosophy Non-Fiction Religion Self-Help
Transformation Devotion Christianity Spirituality Prayer Worship Catholicism Meditation Mysticism Inner Peace Union with God Ecstasy

This book is a collection of prayers and meditations by Saint Teresa of Avila, one of the most influential figures in the Catholic Church. The prayers and meditations are recorded in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Saint's birth. They offer ins...