

Lifetime: 1872 - 1968 Passed: ≈ 56 years ago


American Writer


United States

Sara Ware Bassett

Sara Ware Bassett was a prolific American author of children's and young adult books in the early 20th century. Born on August 15, 1872, in Newton, Massachusetts, she grew up in a literary family and began writing at a young age.

Bassett's writing was heavily influenced by her Quaker upbringing, which emphasized simplicity and social responsibility. Her books often featured strong, independent young characters who overcame challenges and learned important life lessons.

Bassett's most famous works include the "Jill" series, which follows the adventures of a young girl named Jill who moves from the city to the countryside. The series was a popular success and cemented Bassett's reputation as a talented and engaging author.

In addition to her fiction writing, Bassett was also an accomplished essayist and lecturer. She was a member of the Author's Guild and served on the board of the New England Association of Writers.

Bassett's philosophy was one of empowerment and inspiration. She believed that literature had the power to uplift and educate young people, and her books often included strong moral messages and themes of perseverance and self-improvement.

Sara Ware Bassett passed away on July 18, 1968, at the age of 96. She is remembered as a pioneering author of children's and young adult literature and an important figure in American literary history.

One interesting fact about Bassett is that she published her first book, "The Story of Lottie and Gideon" at the age of 38, after being encouraged by her husband to pursue her writing dreams. She went on to publish more than 40 books over the course of her career, including several that were adapted into successful films.

In conclusion, Sara Ware Bassett was a talented and influential author who made a lasting impact on the world of children's and young adult literature. Her legacy lives on through her timeless stories and the many readers whose lives she touched. Her focus on empowering young people through literature is just as relevant today as it was during her lifetime, and her books continue to inspire and entertain readers of all ages.

Books by Sara Ware Bassett

Paul and the Printing Press Cover image

Paul and the Printing Press

Power Adventure Young adult fiction Historical Fiction Education Challenges Society Determination Knowledge press

It follows the adventures of a young boy named Paul, who works as an apprentice in a printing press. First published in 1920, "Paul and the Printing Press" is a beloved classic of children's literature that offers a fascinating glimpse into the early...

Steve and the Steam Engine Cover image

Steve and the Steam Engine

Adventure Fairy Tale
Children's Literature Exploration Discovery Science Curiosity Small Town life Children Fiction

Embark on a heartwarming adventure with "Steve and the Steam Engine" by Sara Ware Bassett, where the magic of discovery and the power of determination intertwine. In a world of forgotten wonders, a curious young boy named Steve stumbles upon an aband...

Flood Tide Cover image

Flood Tide

Willie Spence may have been a bit eccentric by most standards, but he had a knack for creating gadgets in his small workshop at his home on Cape Cod. Whenever he was 'ketched' by an 'idee' he had to see it to completion, and always did. His small cot...

Story of Wool Cover image

Story of Wool

Mr. Clark and Donald spend a year out west to the Crescent Ranch in Idaho learning about raising sheep. (summary by David O)

Shifting Sands Cover image

Shifting Sands

After days of fog Stanley Heath, a stranger whose power-boat runs aground on the treacherous Cape Cod shoals, stumbles into the Homestead and into the life of Marcia Howe, a young widow with whom half the men in the village are already in love. Out o...