
Lifetime: 1841 - 1918 Passed: ≈ 107 years ago




Sir Robert Anderson

Books by Sir Robert Anderson

Doubter's Doubts About Science and Religion Cover image

Doubter's Doubts About Science and Religion

Philosophy Non-Fiction Essays Religion
Evolution Religion Theology Faith Skepticism Science Bible Criticism Infidelity Philosophy Darwinism Spencerism

Sir Robert Anderson's "A Doubter's Doubts About Science and Religion" challenges prevailing scientific theories and explores the potential conflicts between scientific understanding and religious faith. Written anonymously while he served as Assista...

Fundamentals Volume 2 Cover image

Fundamentals Volume 2

Essays Religion
Theology Christianity Bible Modernism Protestantism Religious Controversy Evangelicalism Fundamentalism Biblical Criticism Christian Denominations Higher Criticism

The Fundamentals is a collection of essays published between 1910 and 1915 that sought to reaffirm the fundamental doctrines of Christianity in response to the rise of liberal Christianity and biblical criticism. It is considered a foundational text...