
Lifetime: 1853 - 1921 Passed: ≈ 104 years ago




Vladimir Korolenko

Books by Vladimir Korolenko

Blind Musician Cover image

Blind Musician

Fiction Drama Essays Psychology
Music Suffering Experiences Inner life Psychology Scholarly Blindness Intellectual Musician Sensory perception Sight Perspectives Refined

This book explores the inner world of the blind through the experiences of three individuals: a blind girl, a boy gradually losing his sight, and a gifted, blind musician. The author delves into the psychological processes of those without sight, foc...

Geschichte meines Zeitgenossen Cover image

Geschichte meines Zeitgenossen

History Political Science Novel
Literatur Bildungswesen Religionen Absolutismus Leibeigenschaft russische Provinz Ausgehendes 19. Jahrhunderts Autobiografischen Elementen

The book "Geschichte meines Zeitgenossen" by Vladimir Korolenko is a poetic description of the social conditions in the Russian provinces in the late 19th century. There are some autobiographical elements. Some exemplary focuses: education, religions...

Судный день ("Йом-Кипур") Cover image

Судный день ("Йом-Кипур")

Morality War Religion Sacrifice Justice Identity

Крутая вещь! - Summary by Hanna Ponomarenko