
Lifetime: 1854 - 1932 Passed: ≈ 93 years ago




William Gershom Collingwood

Books by William Gershom Collingwood

Thorstein of the Mere: A Saga of the Northmen in Lakeland Cover image

Thorstein of the Mere: A Saga of the Northmen in Lakeland

Adventure Fiction History Children's Literature
History Adventure England Vikings Norse 10th Century Lake District Greenodd Cumbria W. G. Collingwood

Thorstein of the Mere is an adventure novel set in 10th-century England. The protagonist, Thorstein, is a young Norse settler who must navigate the dangerous world of shifting alliances and wars between Saxons, Britons, and Norsemen. The book is set...

Life of John Ruskin Cover image

Life of John Ruskin

History Philosophy Non-Fiction Essays Biography Art
Nature Literary Criticism Landscape social commentary Victorian era Social reform Art History Art Criticism Pre-Raphaelite Lake District Literary Biography Oxford University

This book is a comprehensive biography of John Ruskin, a prominent Victorian art critic, social commentator, and writer. It explores his life, career, and ideas, covering his influential writings on art, society, and nature. Written by W. G. Collingw...

Coniston Tales Cover image

Coniston Tales

Poetry Non-Fiction Essays
History Nature Legends Landscape Community Self-sufficiency English Lake District Coniston Ruskin Brantwood

A collection of poems and short prose pieces that capture the essence of Coniston in the English Lake District, as seen through the eyes of William Gershom Collingwood, John Ruskin's personal secretary. Written in the spirit of self-sufficiency that...