
Lifetime: 1828 - 1900 Passed: ≈ 125 years ago




William Marcet

Books by William Marcet

On chronic alcoholic intoxication : with an inquiry into the influence of the abuse of alcohol as a predisposing cause of disease Cover image

On chronic alcoholic intoxication : with an inquiry into the influence of the abuse of alcohol as a predisposing cause of disease

History Non-Fiction Reference work Science Health & Wellness
Medical Alcoholism Treatment Disease Rheumatism Chronic Gastrointestinal Gout Nervous conditions Oxide zinc Delirium tremens Alcohol abuse

This book delves into the intricacies of chronic alcoholic intoxication, examining its impact on the body and its connection to various ailments. Dr. Marcet, a physician of his time, presents a detailed analysis of cases he encountered, highlighting...