
Lifetime: 1679 - 1732 Passed: ≈ 291 years ago


English Sea Captain, Privateer



Woodes Rogers

Woodes Rogers, an English sea captain, privateer, slave trader, and the first Royal Governor of the Bahamas, led a remarkable life filled with adventurous exploits and significant contributions to the British Empire. As a skilled sailor and a man of principles, Rogers played a crucial role in combating piracy in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. This essay explores his life, principles, notable works, and enduring legacy in history.

Who Was Woodes Rogers?

Woodes Rogers was born around 1679, and he grew up to become a prominent figure in the maritime world during the early 18th century. With a penchant for exploration and a deep understanding of naval strategies, Rogers embarked on numerous daring voyages that shaped his legacy as a pioneering adventurer.

Principles and Philosophy:

As a sea captain, Woodes Rogers was guided by principles of loyalty, honor, and duty. He was known for his strong sense of responsibility, leading him to take on challenging missions, including combating piracy in the Caribbean. Rogers believed in the rule of law and sought to maintain order and protect British interests on the high seas.

What Was He Famous For?

Woodes Rogers gained fame for leading a privateering expedition to the South Seas, which resulted in the capture of several notorious pirates, including Bartholomew Roberts, known as "Black Bart." His exploits earned him a significant reward and accolades from the British Crown. His efforts in curbing piracy were instrumental in restoring law and order in the Caribbean and protecting British trade routes.

Notable Works:

Among his notable works is the successful publication of "A Cruising Voyage Round the World" in 1712. This account documented his voyage to the South Seas, where he encountered pirates, engaged in naval battles, and explored the uncharted territories of the Pacific. The book provided valuable insights into the world of pirates and privateers, becoming a popular read among the public.

His Legacy and Remembrance:

Woodes Rogers passed away on 15 July 1732, leaving behind a legacy as a fearless sea captain, dedicated public servant, and a symbol of British imperial expansion. He is remembered for his role in ending the Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean and restoring British authority in the region.

As the first Royal Governor of the Bahamas, Rogers implemented policies that encouraged trade and development, paving the way for the colony's growth and prosperity. His administration helped shape the future of the Bahamas as an important British outpost in the New World.

Rogers' contributions to maritime exploration and his efforts in combating piracy have made him an enduring figure in history. His name continues to be associated with tales of adventure and the pursuit of order and justice on the high seas.

Interesting Facts:

One interesting fact about Woodes Rogers is that he was a former privateer himself, engaging in authorized acts of piracy against enemy ships during times of war. His experience as a privateer provided valuable insights and strategic acumen that he later utilized as a sea captain and governor.


Woodes Rogers was a remarkable figure in the maritime world, known for his adventurous spirit, principled approach, and contributions to combating piracy. As the first Royal Governor of the Bahamas, he left a lasting legacy of prosperity and stability in the region. Remembered as a fearless sea captain and a public servant who upheld the rule of law, Woodes Rogers remains an inspiration in the annals of maritime history.

Books by Woodes Rogers

A Cruising Voyage Around the World Cover image

A Cruising Voyage Around the World

Adventure Memoir
Battle Travels Voyage Travelling Pirates Narrative Journey Piracy Memory British Mission

"A Cruising Voyage Around the World" penned by the intrepid Woodes Rogers is an enthralling firsthand account of a daring expedition that navigates the perilous waters of the South Seas during the Golden Age of Piracy. With a mix of captivating story...