Book Cover of As in a Mirror

As in a Mirror

by Pansy (Isabella Macdonald Alden)

John King is a rich young man who is friends with Fletcher, after a sermon on tramps and giving help, John devises a plan to tramp for a book he is writing but his friend tells him, it will be folly because he has money when he needs it. John King changes into a tramp walking around the city where he was born, asking for work, being ignored rejected. John sees his friend Fletcher and wonders if his friend will recognise him, Fletcher tries to help which brings John to smile, Fletcher tries to discourage his friend but tells him to see Dr. Talbert for help, the pastor who did he sermon on tramps which started this adventure. John sees the pastor who is having a busy day and shuts the door on John. Finally John finds relief from being hungry by farmer Mr. Elliott whose family knows how their father likes to help the less fortunate. John sees Hildreth, the older daughter, who reminds him of a beautiful picture at home.

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Pansy (Isabella Macdonald Alden) image

Isabella Macdonald Alden was an American author. Her best known works were: Four Girls at Chautauqua, Chautauqua Girls at Home, Tip Lewis and his Lamp, Three People, Links in Rebecca's Life, Julia Rei...

Books by Pansy (Isabella Macdonald Alden)

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