Set during the chaos of World War I, 'Pierre and Luce' follows the unlikely love story of Pierre, a shy pacifist, and Luce, a free-spirited artist. As...
Anthony Trent, a talented but underemployed writer, finds himself drawn into a world of crime and deception. With his sharp intellect and knowledge of...
This collection of short stories, originally published in the 1918 volume of the *Locomotive Engineers Journal*, offers a glimpse into the diverse lit...
Set in a stately English country house during the twilight of World War I, "Hand in the Dark" follows the investigation of a mysterious murder. When a...
This book, published in 1919, recounts the selfless dedication of over 2,000 Roman Catholic nuns from the Philadelphia area who left their convents du...
Phyllis Lee is a humorous poem by Oliver Herford, originally published in his 1918 collection *The Laughing Willow*. The poem, which was chosen for th...