Dorothy Dixon and the Mystery Plane follows the adventures of a young woman who is passionate about aviation in the early days of flight. The story ce...
This volume, part of the comprehensive 'Airplane Flying Handbook', focuses on emergency procedures for pilots. It covers a wide range of critical situ...
This early 20th-century children's novel chronicles the daring exploits of Dave Dashaway, a young aviator navigating the Great Lakes. He encounters t...
This book, written for a general audience, explores the early days of aviation. It covers the history of flight from the first attempts to the early 2...
This book provides a detailed account of hurricane hunting, the practice of flying directly into hurricanes to study their formation and behavior. Wri...
This book is a historical account of the early days of aviation, as told by one of its pioneers, Glenn Curtiss. Curtiss was a key figure in the develo...