Dave Dashaway and His Giant Airship is a thrilling adventure novel that follows the daring young aviator and his friends as they embark on a hazardous...
This book follows the adventures of a young aviator named Dave Dashaway, as he undertakes daring flights with his loyal friend Hiram Dobbs. The story...
This book presents the full official report of the 1937 U.S. Department of Commerce accident investigation into the Hindenburg disaster. It includes d...
Tom Swift, a young inventor and adventurer, embarks on a thrilling expedition to the Arctic in his custom-built airship. Driven by the legend of the V...
Arqtiq is a strange and wonderful work of feminist utopian fiction. It is the story of Anna, an aviator who leads an expedition to the North Pole in a...
Edward Douglas Fawcett's *Hartmann the Anarchist* is a thrilling science fiction novel set in a near-future London. It follows the story of Stanley, a...