In "Riddle of the Frozen Flame," the enigmatic Hamilton Cleek, known as "The Man of the Forty Faces," confronts a chilling mystery in the desolate Fen...
In "Million-Dollar Suitcase", Jerry Boyne, a private detective, finds himself on the trail of a bank teller who has absconded with nearly a million do...
Bransford of Rainbow Range, originally titled Bransford in Arcadia, tells the story of a young, educated cowboy named Bransford, who finds himself cau...
Cleveland Moffett's "True Detective Stories from the Archives of the Pinkertons" offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of the Pinkerton Detectiv...
Thieves Like Us is a classic noir novel set during the Depression era, following the tumultuous lives of escaped convicts and their perilous encounter...