This third volume in the Artur Azevedo collection brings together a selection of his short stories and sketches, showcasing his sharp wit and keen obs...
Vida Vertiginosa is a collection of chronicles by João do Rio, an author known for his portraits of early 20th-century Rio de Janeiro. The book opens...
Tradiciones Peruanas is a collection of short stories by Ricardo Palma that narrate various moments and characters from Peruvian history. While not in...
I Crónicas es un libro del Antiguo Testamento que narra la historia de Israel desde la muerte de Saúl hasta la muerte de David, enfocándose en la líne...
Cette édition de la Bible Darby contient les douze livres historiques de l'Ancien Testament : Josué, Juges, Ruth, Samuel, Rois, Chroniques, Esdras, Né...
First Chronicles is a historical book of the Old Testament in the Bible. It details the history of the Kingdom of Judah, which was the southern kingdo...